Your Meaningful Life

Some people go through life without finding meaning in their actions. Whatever “is” just is, and that is accepted. Others live with intention and connect their efforts to a sense of purpose. Usually this leads to greater overall life satisfaction. This sense of purpose and meaning affects all facets of life: professional and personal.

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Slow Down!

Have you ever noticed that when one thing breaks, it seems like so many other things start breaking, too? It is almost amusing (although at first annoying!) how I suddenly seem to have many appliances that need repair in our home. We are currently dealing with a misbehaving dishwasher, a faulty refrigerator, spotty WIFI connection, and uneven air conditioning. Granted, repairing appliances are small obstacles compared to the greater challenges facing the world today.

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Who Inspired You?

One of the questions I ask in coaching is “who has inspired you in your life?” My clients’ answers uncover their own values and life philosophies. It is helpful to tune into the people you admire as they serve as reminders of the path you want to set forth for yourself. Today I am reflecting on my late sister who inspired me to embrace a mindset of facing life with joy and courage.

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