Some people go through life without finding meaning in their actions. Whatever “is” just is, and that is accepted.

Others live with intention and connect their efforts to a sense of purpose. Usually this leads to greater overall life satisfaction.

This sense of purpose and meaning affects all facets of life: professional and personal.

If people want to find more connection to their work, they may explore the reason why they are in their career and search for how they can bring even greater growth to their role. If they are not satisfied, they may wonder what another path may offer them.

In their personal lives, people may explore more connection to friendships, community, health, etc. as they search for purpose.

In any of these circumstances, a sense of meaning is what helps people spring out of bed in the morning and approach each day with their most powerful energy. It is what fuels their excitement to be creative and driven.  

Sometimes it only takes one compelling insight to help you find further meaning in your endeavors and achieve a more fulfilled life. Coaching is a tool to help uncover that insight. Your potential awareness is a gift waiting to be opened.


Seeds and Needles


Life’s Ups and Downs