The Self-Reflective Gifts of Reunions

What about reuniting with old friends gives us an insight into personal growth?

Reunions inform us about how we currently perceive ourselves.  

In our usual day-to-day routine, we don’t often stop to wonder:

  • How do we view life differently than 20 years prior?

  • In what ways do our perspectives reflect our matured growth?

  • How do we currently measure our success?

  • What do we accept and like about ourselves?

When we have the experience of sharing memories, stories, and conversations with those we haven’t seen in an extended period, these questions become more apparent. They serve as a deep, inner mirror to our younger and current selves.
It is not only our physical traits that have changed but our internal thought processes. The benefit of being aware of this evolution is priceless.

I recently exchanged updates with a childhood friend, attended a high school reunion, and re-connected with a college friend I haven’t seen in over 25 years. In each conversation, I was aware of how the passage of time and experiences have contributed to how I am showing up in life today. I see my inner self through the gift of those reunions.

I invite you to take the time to notice how your self-reflections have changed. They can be an enormous gift to you. They allow you to pause and be aware of where you are, where you have come, and where you want to grow.

This process proves how personal growth never ends.


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