Make Friends With Your Sixth Sense

I like to think of my sixth sense as my second voice — my intuition.

This voice knows me better than anyone. It is familiar with my experiences, interests, thoughts, fears, and goals. I know it is always there, and I’m aware when it is quiet, and when it is loud.

In progressing through life, we can access our intuition to help guide and support us. It can help with the big and small life decisions we make. It truly is our trusted ally.

So, if it is so helpful, why is it difficult for many to rely on, or even hear? Why does it get really quiet at times? 

There are many contributing factors as to why we don’t always hear our intuitive voice. Some of these include fear, lack of confidence, and lack of tested experience. Think of the last time you grappled with a decision and had difficulty accessing your “gut feeling” for the answer. Maybe you were afraid of a consequence based on another experience, or maybe you didn’t trust yourself to take a stance one way or the other due to a fear that a decision would make you feel unsafe or vulnerable. Those voices of doubt were blaring so loudly that they left your intuitive voice soft as a whisper.

Our experiences, thoughts, and perspectives all affect our ability to access our intuition. If we want to rely on our own intuition to help inform us, we often need to look at what is dialing the volume down, and what would dial it up to serve us better. Pay attention to when you are truly listening to that second voice of yours and trust that it will not let you down.


Life’s Ups and Downs


Slow Down!